Do you ever feel like you are stuck in a round about and you can not exit? I feel like I am turning circles and have no idea what direction I will end up taking. I am learning that I am way more of a routine person than I realized. When I have no idea what is supposed to happen next I get overwhelmed by all of the possible scenarios. Not feeling like you have things sorta lined out is scary. It’s situations like these that I find myself with a very busy mind. The more what ifs I have the harder it is to make my mind be quiet enough to concentrate. That’s the best way that I can explain it. There are always conversations and/or music playing in my mind. It is never totally quiet. I just recently learned that not everyone has random songs playing in their head daily. Who knows maybe it’s just a me thing. lol I am working on ways to help keep focused but it’s not an easy task for sure. Just wanted to take a moment to share that with you so that you can be more patient with people that seem distracted or maybe not feel so alone if you go thru this too.